Mapping Crime Data

Mapping Crime Data

National Incident Based Reporting System The Federal Bureau of Investigation collects crime data via the National Incident Based Reporting System(NIBRS). New Hampshire is one of 15 states that submit all statewide data via the NIBRS. The most recent data available for download is from 2018. The data became available on September 30, 2019. Each year…

Graticules and Grids

Graticules and Grids

What are graticules? Graticules are lines showing parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude for the earth. Graticules are used to show location in geographic coordinates (degrees of latitude and longitude). The latitude/longitude grid is based on a sphere and is familiar to most people. Lines of latitude go around the world parallel to the…

Coordinate Systems
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Coordinate Systems

Horizontal Coordinate Systems There are two kinds of horizontal coordinate systems; one is called a Geographic Coordinate System and the other is a Projected Coordinate System. The Geographic Coordinate System is based on the globe, coordinates are given in latitude and longitude. Latitude and longitude are usually given in degrees, but can be in other…